Designed to increase circulation and blood-flow, decrease tension and increase relaxation. Frequently helpful for people who are on-the-go and/or who rarely care for themselves

About Restorative Massage

Synergy has achieved identifiable success and positive outcomes with Restorative Massage. As with all forms of therapy, however, there are instances when symptom resolution is not fully achieved. Each client will respond differently to this form of therapy.

Your course of therapy is determined through an evaluation and assessment process and may be modified during treatment. Clients should expect their first visit to involve a comprehensive evaluation, including taking a medical history, and performing physical assessments, which may include muscle testing, gait analysis and palpation, as well as other investigative techniques. This is a critical step towards accomplishing our goal of providing the safest, most effective treatment to achieve maximum benefit for our clients.

We offer a comprehensive list of treatments and specific techniques, including Sports, Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy®, Trigger-Point, Deep-Tissue, Muscle-Energy Techniques, Myofascial Release, Structural Integration; and Range-ofMotion.